In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.

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Our Services

Assessment and development: in RTC we believe that the vacuum technology is an alternative rather than a replacement for the traditional solutions. Therefore, the first step is to provide the client with the propre assessment on wither the vacuum system will fit the client need and provide them with a suitable solution. RTC team of Engineers are very experienced in preparing assessment reports and help the client develop a solution for each case.

Design and consultation: RTC team of engineers are well experienced in designing complex vacuum system, either for indoor or outdoor systems, completed with calculations and engineering details. Furthermore, we also provide consultation on designs made by others and advise our feedback and thoughts on it, to help the client optimize their design for vacuum systems.

Construction and Supervision: RCT team can provide the client with full turnkey solution for vacuum system, RTC team can take over the supply and installation of the vacuum system with our own experienced team. However, RTC solutions are as fixable as the vacuum system itself. Hence, we can offer a supervision on the installation of the vacuum system to be done by client own team whenever this case is preferred by the client.

Service and maintenance: the propre service and maintenance of the vacuum system is one of the key factors in having a successful and functional vacuum system. RTC well trained and experienced technicians are one of our strongest assists in this regard. RTC service team is capable of conducting all type of complex services operation on indoor or outdoor vacuum systems. Not only the one provided by RTC, also the ones provided by others.